Mayors Update - August 2022

Published 31st August 2022


The Ordinary Meeting of Council was held on Tuesday 23 August 2022 in Queenstown.

The meeting was available to view via LIVE Stream.

The meeting was open to the public attendance, with no members of the public in attendance.

Deputy Mayor Kerry Graham was not in attendance for the meeting.


A Zeehan resident sent in a series of questions related to cat management for inclusion in Public Question Time.

Hello Kerrie Laffer from animal welfare centre inc

A lot of the Zeehan community have been asking me the following questions.

I’m unable to get answers via the phone so answers would be greatly appreciated at meeting tonight please.


1. Does council check trapped cats for micro chips?

2. Can the public reclaim their desexed cats?

3. If so, How long does council house desexed cats?

4. How does the public know if their desexed cats has been trapped?

5. How does the council euthanasia the caught cats.


Founder owner

Kerrie Laffer


Trapped cats are checked for microchips with a special reader that allows for scanning feral cats without unnecessary handling. The only cats retained would be those that are microchipped. Cats are also checked to see if they are domesticated. Council does not house cats. If found to be microchipped, they would be returned to the owner or sent to a cat management facility. Council would contact the owners via the microchip information on record or via contact details located on a collar. Council has a range of options for euthanasia, but generally will use a firearm to humanely euthanise the animal.

COUNCILLOR RAISED ISSUES                            

Question without Notice 

Cr Ryan-Sykes

Question 1. On Page 71 of the agenda, the Minister for State Development, Construction Housing, The Hon. Guy Barnett states that he would like to work with us so that Council can contribute more of its housing stock for addressing the homelessness crisis. Would Council now be willing to reverse its in-principal decision of gradually selling off the Council owned housing stock that have families living in those homes in order to address the homelessness crisis?


The Mayor advised the letter was to all of Local Government, not just the West Coast Council. There has been no decision made by the Council as yet on Council housing. The only decision made has been in relation to Family Day Care in Zeehan.

Question 2. On Page 82 of the agenda, In the letter you wrote to Ms Anne Thompson that you will be discussing the Lettes Bay Jetties matter with the relevant State Ministers, could you please provide an update on this important and significant heritage matter?


The Mayor advised he has spoken to the Minister of Heritage who will discuss with the Minister of Parks. The Minister has indicated she will write a supportive letter and is willing to investigate any heritage funding that maybe available. The Minister of Parks is reviewing the letter to the General Manager of Parks and the engineers report and will provide feedback.

Question 3. Could please provide an update about the installation of the First Nations and Torres Strait Islander flag which I understand has been considered under the Reconciliation Action Plan?

The General Manager advised that First Nations and Torres Strait Islander flags are installed in the West Coast Council Chambers. Work continues on Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) with actions still being identified within the group.

Cr Butterfield

Question 1. Roadworks in Strahan: Are there any plans in the future for the line marking along the entire length of Harvey Street Strahan and are there any plans in upcoming works to upgrade the road surface between ANZAC Park and Regatta Point in Strahan?


The General Manager advised that the work focus has currently been on West Strahan precinct area. Work in Harvey Street is scheduled for review once Council decides on the progress. This project will be a major development.

Question 2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait flag poles Miners Siding: Could the GM provide an update on the progress for the additional flag poles for Miners Siding for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags?


The General Manager advised that answer is the same as provided previously to Cr Ryan-Sykes question, there is no budget allocated as yet and we are awaiting the actions from the RAP before progressing.

There were no Questions on Notice, Motions on Notice or Motions without Notice, presented at the August meeting.


Noting Decision 

Council RESOLVED that the correspondence (Inward & Outward) as presented be noted.

Outcome: Carried 

R– Correspondence presented to Council for a determination/Response

N – Correspondence presented to Council for Noting.


Correspondence In


Action Determined


Julie Collins MP

Thank you



Crown Lease Lake Burbury

Lease Review



Parks & Wildlife Service

Maugean Skate



Madeleine King MP

Thank you



Department of Health

Thank you for Workshop participation



Guy Barnett MP

Homelessness Week



Senator Chisholm

Thank you



Nic Street MP

Windfarm Rating



Premier Rockliff

Aged Care Services West Coast


Every Age Counts

Awareness Day



Office of the Premier

West Coast Hospital



Stef Callaghan



Correspondence Out


Action Determined 


West Coast Recreation Assoc

Spiky Skate education Program



Anne Thompson

Lettes Bay Jetties



Leonie Brown

Accessible Parking Queenstown



Queenstown Anglers Club

Financial & In-Kind Application Outcome



Director of Mineral

Resources Tasmania

Mt Owen Cableway Proposal



General Manager CMT

Mt Owen Cableway Proposal



Premier Rockliff

Aged Care Services West Coast



Premier Rockliff

Rates Exemption




That Council provide an event grant of $2,000 to West Coast Heritage Ltd for sponsorship of the Zeehan Gem and Mineral Fair.

Moved: Cr Evans

Seconded: Cr Ryan-Sykes

Outcome: Carried  


That Council note the report and approve for the MOU to be signed and funding be released

Moved: Cr Ryan-Sykes

Seconded: Cr Butterfield 

Outcome: Carried  


That the report by the Planning Officer dated 28 July 2022 concerning a minor amendment for DA 2021/89 be received and that Council approve the addition of sewer serviced toilets and associated built form under approved roofline at Esplanade, Strahan subject to the following conditions:

1. Endorsed plans

Consent is for the proposed extension to the existing building and intensification of existing food services use substantially in accordance with endorsed documentation as prepared by Alan Lawler Design and Drafting, Proj. No. 081621, dated 05/07/2022: Drg. Nos. 01/13-06/13.

2. TasWater

The developer shall comply with the conditions, which TasWater has required the planning authority to include in the permit in accordance with Section 56P(1) of the Water and Sewerage Industry Act 2008. These conditions are specified in TasWater’s submission to Council, Reference (TWDA 2022/00013-WCC, dated 20/07/2022), a copy of which is attached and endorsed to be a document forming part of this permit.

3. Restrictions of operation

The approval is for a takeaway food operation only. No table service is to be provided.

Hours of operation must be within the hours of 11.00am to 9.00pm Monday to Sunday (including public holidays)

No alcohol is permitted to be sold or consumed onsite.

No loud music (including live performers) is to be broadcast on the site. Any background music for the takeaway food operation must not be audible across the Crown lease boundary.

4. Vehicle Parking 

All areas used for vehicle access and parking within the title boundary must be constructed with a durable all-weather surface and surfaced with material to restrict abrasion from traffic and minimise entry of water to the pavement.

Stormwater discharge from the development and overland flows from the property are to be connected to the stormwater point within the property. Formed surfaces are not to direct water to adjoining properties or the road and not create a nuisance.

5.Works in waterways and coastal refugia area

Development is to be undertaken in accordance with:

● the environmental best practice guidelines in the Wetlands and Waterways Works Manual; and

● the guidelines in the Tasmanian Coastal Works Manual

6. Signage

Consent is for 1 non-illuminated wall sign (painted on the building) that:

● does not extend beyond the wall or above the top of the wall to which it is attached;

● has a maximum area of 4.5m²; and

● does not occupy more than 25% of the wall area.

7. Patron safety

The developer/operator is to ensure that all food preparation, processing (including cooking/smoking) and food storage areas comply with the Food Standards Code, National Construction Code of Australia TAS H102 and AS4676:2004 Design, Construction and Fit-out of a food Premises.

The exhaust canopy must comply with AS/NZS 1668. The exhaust canopy must operate to ensure that no environmental nuisance is caused as a result of odours or fumes emitted from the exhaust canopy inside or outside.


● This permit is issued under Section 57 of the Land Use Planning Approvals Act 1993 as the proposal has discretionary status under Tasmanian Planning Scheme – West Coast Local Provisions Schedule.

● Waste oil/water is classified as a controlled waste and therefore needs to be handled by a controlled waste handler approved EPA Tas.

Moved: Cr Evans  

Seconded: Cr Newman 

Outcome: Carried  

Cr Gerrity declared an interest in the item and left the meeting during discussions.


That Council:

Provide financial support to the value of $2,000 to MoodMission for sponsorship of the Mental Health Comedy Roadshow event.

Moved: Cr Ryan-Sykes

Seconded: Cr Butterfield 

Outcome: Carried  

Agendas and Minutes for the Council Meetings can be accessed on the West Coast Council website and hard copies are available for viewing at West Coast Council Agencies as listed below:

  • West Coast Council Queenstown
  • Post Office Strahan
  • Post Office Zeehan
  • Rosebery District High School Rosebery
  • Tullah Post Office

A LIVE stream and recording of the open session of the meeting is also available during and after the meetings and is available to view via the below link.

A reminder that questions for public question time can be submitted for the next meeting via the General Manager, 7 days prior to the day of the meeting, by emailing or post to PO Box 63 Queenstown 7467.

Shane Pitt