Mayors Update- August Council Meeting 2020

  • Public Notice
Published 27th August 2020
Mayors Update - August Council Meeting 2020

Our most recent Council Meeting was held on 25 August 2020 in Queenstown with the meeting streamed LIVE to the public and with Councillors attending the meeting in person. Councillor Stringer, and Hall were apologies for the meeting.


There were no questions submitted by the public to Council this meeting.

Mayor Vickers stated that the intention was to re-open the September Council Meeting to the public. Details on attendance will be advertised via Council’s media channels. The public will need to register to be in attendance and the meeting will be held inline with current COVID-19 requirements.

QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE (submitted by Councillors)

Cr Shea asked if Council had to legally provide a refund (discount to fees) to the Macquarie Heads Temporary Site Holders? The General Manager advised that there was no requirement to provide a discount but rather the refund is was provide as a goodwill gesture to provide assistance to site holders and was not based on a calculation of the actual licence fee.


There was a variety of correspondence presented to council at the meeting. This can be viewed via the Meeting Agenda or confirmed Meeting Minutes (once released)

Council noted a letter received from the Rosebery Development Committee advising they have recently developed a Rosebery Strategic Plan, which Council noted and congratulated them.


Item #

Open Session – Decision Item

Motion Outcome


Medium Term Sport & Recreation Planning

Moved Cr Graham / Seconded Cr Styles

Council endorsed the Medium-Term Sport & Recreation Implementation Guidance. Council endorsed the disposal of the Rosebery Pool and Tullah Oval via an EOI process, the removal of the Tullah Tennis Courts, Zeehan Grandstand, Queenstown Old Band Hall. and individual pieces of skatepark equipment when deemed unsafe. Council also noted the work being done on to deliver new sport facilities in Strahan, Zeehan and Tullah and football facilities for Rosebery and Queenstown. Council also asked that they be informed prior to removal of the above-mentioned assets.

Carried Unanimously


Media & Communications Policy WCC.012

Moved Cr Pitt/ Seconded Cr Shea

Council approved a revised media and communications policy. The main changes within the policy was the removal of requirements associated with Councillors use of Council devices and IT requirement. The Code of Conduct is the avenue for enforcing any matters raised in relation to the above.

Carried Unanimously


Engagement Policy WCC.005

Moved Cr Newman / Seconded Cr Styles

Council adopted the revised engagement policy.

Carried Unanimously


King River Rafting Taster Day- Financial & In-Kind Application

Moved Cr Pitt/ Seconded Cr Graham

Council approved $2,000 in funding to the King River Rafting Taster Day. The program will provide an opportunity for students to consider the experience as a pathway to a potential career’s opportunity. The General Manager will suggest that the program is made available to both Queenstown and Rosebery students.

Carried Unanimously


Development Application 2020/31 Dwelling Extension

Moved Cr Graham/ Seconded Cr Pitt

The application was submitted in regard to Granville Harbour property. Council considered the application and Planning Officers advise and approved the application subject to the conditions supplied with the report.

Carried Unanimously

Agendas and Minutes for the Council Meetings can be accessed on the West Coast Council website and hard copies are available for viewing at West Coast Council Agencies as listed below.

West Coast Council Queenstown

Post Office Strahan

Post Office Zeehan

Rosebery District High School Rosebery

Tullah Post Office

I would like to thank those people who viewed the meeting online and remind people that questions for public question time can be submitted for the next meeting via the General Manager, prior to midday the day of the meeting, by emailing or post to PO Box 63 Queenstown 7467.

Yours sincerely

Phil Vickers