The Ordinary Meeting of Council was held on Tuesday 28 January in Queenstown.
The meeting was made available to view via LIVE Stream. The meeting was open to public attendance. There were 2 members of the public in attendance.
Council received question from the following members of the community.
Mr Giles – Strahan: Could Council investigate placing a “children on bikes” sign at Beach Street, Strahan, as there is no foot paths and children are riding their bikes on the road. Manager of Infrastructure and Operations took on notice and will respond to Mr Giles. Cr McKay asked the no camping signs in the area be cleaned. |
Mr Price – Featherstone Street, Strahan: West Coast Council has issued many abatement notices for removal of blackberry, holly, gorse and long grass. It has come to the attention of many others that land the council is responsible for, is sadly overgrown with invasive species and long grass. Surely Council have a responsibility to maintain their own land and properties? While ratepayers have undertaken remedial work to satisfy those notices, what is being done by Council to address their responsibilities to remove said invasive weeds on property the council is responsible for, and to prevent creepage onto neighbouring properties? If Council refuses to address these concerns, is council liable for future remediation work on the landowners' properties as a result of creepage from council properties? General Manager advised Council has responsibility to maintain Council owned assets and property. Manager of Infrastructure and Operations advised the surrounding land to Mr Price is Crown owned land and he will repsond to Mr Price. |
Terri Barclay – 25 McNamara Street, Queenstown Has two questions, asking on behalf of a friend who is unable to attend in person.
Mayor Pitt advised the Queenstown airport is not gazetted as a main airport. The Royal Flying Doctors will fly into Strahan and not Queenstown. Airport is maintained to a standard and planes do land there. Wynyard Aero Club as well as helicopters land at the Queenstown airport. It is the choice of Ambulance Tasmania if they choose fix wing or helicopter to lift patients, as the helicopter can fly into Queenstown airport. Ms Barclay asked if there is any reason that Royal Flying Doctors or Ambulance Tasmania will not land in Queenstown airport. Mayor Pitt advised Royal Flying Doctors and Ambulance Tasmania need to be addressed directly. General Manager took toilet question on notice. |
Bill Suitor - 86 Orr Street, Queenstown I tried to get building surveyors and can't and was told the old General Manager upset them and that’s why Building Surveyors wont come down here. Spoke to Ciara, and she helped me, I said I was going to build it anyway and heard nothing. What do I do to go forward. Tried to make appointment with General Manager but couldn’t. Manager of Planning and Compliance stated Mr Suitor did come and speak to Ciara and herself to advise he was having issues obtaining services of a Building Surveyor. Advised to him that it was necessary and building cannot progress without building permissions. Provided a list of surveyors and unsure why there is difficulties obtaining the services. Ms Suitor advised they had an appointment with Benchmark Building Surveyors on 26 March, on 25 March they rang and cancelled the appointment stating they no longer service the West Coast. Met with Manager of Planning and Compliance and Ciara afterwards to advise of this. Rang Benchmark Building Surveyors again and they still will not come. General Manager took on notice. |
Questions on Notice
Nil. |
Questions without Notice
Cr Iwanicki Large skip sized recycle bin have been removed from Strahan and Qtown tips, have they been removed from other towns and if so why? Manager of Infrastructure and Operations took on notice. |
Cr Iwanicki Surprised to see Qtown pool closed on Aus Day and Public Holiday, on Facebook posted the upcoming closures and this wasn’t one of them, given the short pool season why was this decision made? General Manager took on notice. |
Motions on Notice
Motion – Cr Hamer |
Have had people using skip bins from Macquarie heads and Warf and other areas to dispose of rubbish on a week end some have travelled from Strahan to Macquarie heads just to put rubbish in the skip bins. This skip bin has been full since Friday and stinks to high heaven with tourist walking past it to get on cruise boats and the ship that never was, also the boats that came in over the weekend sent their waste with the trucks back to Hobart and Devonport for disposal not a great message we send to our community or our tourists and visitors. Just for our information councillors Recommendation: Could the Strahan refuse centre be opened for Saturday and Sunday. |
Moved: Cr Hamer Seconded: Cr Graham |
Outcome: Motion Amended |
Cr Jordan stated this has been an issued at Macquarie Heads and Strahan, with Macquarie Heads bins overflowing this year and last seasons. Mayor Pitt advised the number of bins for the area can be review. Cr Graham stated it is only for a short period, an extra bin may solve the problem but has not been budgeted for. Cr Hamer stated the fish boats are having to take their waste on trucks to Devonport or Hobart due to the skip bins being full. Mayor Pitt advised they should be carting their waste as they do not pay rates for the West Coast and rate payers should not be burdened with the cost for their waste. Cr Hamer stated she does not understand why it is closed Sundays. A typical working week is Monday to Friday, weekend Saturday and Sunday. Tip should be closed in the middle of the week. Mayor Pitt advised it is closed Sunday due to cost saving as double rates for employees, this was investigated in depth when proposed years ago. Was a lot of debate as Sunday is a day that people need it open especially for the weekend. But the decision was based around cost savings. Cr Hamer asked if costings can be provided for opening Sunday and closing Tuesday to Thursday instead. Strahan skip bins are very full and watching people put household rubbish in skip bins. Cr McKay stated the 10 day Christmas period with public holidays is increasing rubbish. Need to plan ahead for rubbish collection over this period. Mayor Pitt will raise the planning and extra bin during the season with staff. Deputy Mayor Butterfield wants to see costings first as there is four other tips to be open to follow the precedence. General Manager took providing costings on notice. Cr Jordan stated there needs to be better management over the 10 day period. Cr Graham stated the motion should be amended to Sunday only, as already open Saturday |
Amended Motion – Cr Hamer |
Have had people using skip bins from Macquarie heads and Warf and other areas to dispose of rubbish on a week end some have travelled from Strahan to Macquarie heads just to put rubbish in the skip bins. This skip bin has been full since Friday and stinks to high heaven with tourist walking past it to get on cruise boats and the ship that never was, also the boats that came in over the weekend sent their waste with the trucks back to Hobart and Devonport for disposal not a great message we send to our community or our tourists and visitors. Just for our information councillors Recommendation: Could the Strahan refuse centre be opened on Sunday for a summer trial period. |
Moved: Cr Hamer Seconded: Cr Graham |
Outcome: Defeated (For Cr Hamer, Cr Graham) |
Motion – Cr Hamer |
I have had many residents from all around the west coast who are unable to mow their nature strips due to a medical condition and being asked to provide a medical certificate which was not part of what we discussed ,we suggested the residents would only have to ring up and ask their nature strips be mowed. Also, the towns are looking unkept and it makes the towns look unattractive to tourists and they quicky move on .also the towns really are looking shabby and unkept ,this is a real concern for the Towns promoting tourism .also I can not see where we actually saved any money ,this is a service that should be a standard on the west coast and it clearly isn’t working . an example ,as a resident, I don’t own a Mower ,only sheep and horses this takes considerable time to achieve a mown nature strip. also when the criteria for abatement arises for long grass who receives the abatement the resident or the council. Recommendation: To revoke the nature strip policy and make a new motion to return it to how it was |
Moved: Cr Hamer Seconded: |
Outcome: Withdrawn |
Motion – Cr Hamer |
Rational it appears the damage is extensive and do we have enough to cover the damage and are we under any insurance. Recommendation: Could we have a full report on damages to our land fill area from recent storms |
Moved: Cr Hamer Seconded: Cr McKay |
Outcome: Carried (Against Cr Graham) |
Cr McKay asked if there has been damage to the landfill? Manager of Infrastructure and Operations advised there was scouring of some of the drains but does not believe it is extensive, appeared bad during the storms but it is minor but will go down insurance route for the repairs. Cr Graham asked did wetlands fill up with silt. Manager of Infrastructure and Operations advised with the new cell, trying to limit the water into the leachate system, but the sheer amount of water got under the erosion rock and scoured the drain. Cr McKay asked in the report include future implications to be aware of. |
Motion – Cr Hamer |
I ask that we have a update for councillors and the public to monitor progress. I have had many residents enquire about where it is progressing with many concerns of safety issues, and it needs to be addressed and fixed asap ,re visiting the community’s feed back at our community meeting would be appreciated by Many residents in Strahan and road resident proposed to just cut the corner off the first corner heading down and using a retaining wall to stabilise this bank restricting the width of road it would be in councils best interest to perhaps at least clean the gutters and fall offending trees from the bank side of road Recommendation: A report on where are we progressing with the Harold street two way, costing proposal and geotec-report |
Moved: Cr Hamer Seconded: Mayor Pitt |
Outcome: Defeated (For Cr Hamer) |
Cr Graham stated in the report today, states Council have looked at a consultant. Mayor Pitt advised this is part of the status report and has been since the community consultation, staff are investigating and these matters take time. Waiting on the Geotech engineers to finalise their report and bring back to Council. Action cannot be taken without the Geotech report. |
Motion – Cr Hamer |
Rational as blue stone has breached its agreement, and no planning has been forth coming to build a house .for your consideration councillors. Recommendation: To forfeit blue stone proposal to build a house instead of paying rates, we should revoke this motion and move a new motion to make bluestone pay the rates . |
Moved: Cr Hamer Seconded: |
Outcome: Withdrawn |
Motions without Notice
Nil |
Council reviewed the below incoming and outgoing correspondence for the month, with the following actions were determined.
Noting Decision |
That Council RESOLVES that the Correspondence, both incoming and outgoing, as presented, be noted. |
Outcome: Noted |
Correspondence In | Subject |
Anita Maskell | Zeehan Concerns |
Rosebery Resident | Overgrown Reserves |
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator | Receipt of Licence Application from Novotech Australia Pty Ltd |
Department of Health | Covid-19 Vaccine Misinformation |
Minister for Local Government | Local Government Priority Reform |
Minister for Local Government | Local Government Priority Reform Discussion Paper |
Biosecurity Tasmania | Funding for Cat Management Facility |
Tourism Industry Council Tasmania | Tassie’s Top Tourism Town Awards for 2025 |
Correspondence Out | Subject |
Minister Duigan | Vegetation around water towers |
Recommendation |
That Council: Delegate all authority and powers, Pursuant to Section 22 of the Local Government |
Moved: Cr Hamer Seconded: Cr McKay |
Outcome: Carried |
Recommendation |
That Council: Approve a general rate remission to Strahan Rifle Club Inc for the property located at Featherstone Street, Strahan. |
Moved: Cr Iwanicki Seconded: Cr Stringer |
Outcome: Carried (Against Cr McKay) |
Recommendation |
That Council: Approve the rate remission in accordance with its Rates and Remissions Policy for the period of four (4) years |
Moved: Cr Graham Seconded: Cr Jordan |
Outcome: Carried |
Recommendation |
That Council: Receive the audited Roads to Recovery Report for the year ended 30 June 2024 |
Moved: Cr Iwanicki Seconded: Cr Newman |
Outcome: Carried |
Recommendation |
That Council: Note the minutes of the Emergency Management Committee dated 19 December 2024 |
Moved: Cr Newman Seconded: Deputy Mayor Butterfield |
Outcome: Carried |
Recommendation |
That Council:
AND 2. Present Certificates to newly appointed Municipal and Deputy Municipal Emergency Management Coordinators. |
Moved: Cr Iwanicki Seconded: Cr Stringer |
Outcome: Carried |
Recommendation |
That Council:
AND 2. Note the General Manager photo will be updated to reflect the incoming GM. |
Moved: Cr Graham Seconded: Cr Iwanicki |
Outcome: Carried |
Agendas and Minutes for the Council Meetings can be accessed on the West Coast Council website and hard copies are available for viewing at West Coast Council Agencies as listed below:
- West Coast Council Queenstown
- Post Office Strahan
- Post Office Zeehan
- Rosebery District High School Rosebery
- Tullah Post Office
Questions for public question time can be submitted via the General Manager, 7 days prior to the day of the meeting, by emailing or post to PO Box 63 Queenstown 7467.
Shane Pitt